Voting Machine Voodoo:
Democracy at Risk
I got my first taste of electronic
voting on Election Day this past November. Although lever voting
booths were still being used in my county, a touch screen computer
was available, and people lined up to try it. I was surprised
that no one I spoke to there was aware of the controversy surrounding
electronic voting. No one seemed to know that computer scientists
all over the country have warned that electronic voting is open
to corruption, or that John Hopkins researchers studying the problem
released a report on July 23rd stating, "Our analysis shows that
this voting system is far below even the most minimal security
standards applicable to other contexts."
In the days following November
4th, I looked through local town and city newspapers to see if
any voting news stories would mention these concerns, but the
stories I read were all about the novelty of the new touch screen
machines, how easy they were to use, or how people are resistant
to change.
Most Americans believe that
the voting fiasco of the 2000 presidential election in Florida
was caused by outdated voting practices. But this was only part
of the problem. In a June 2001 article titled "Florida Vote Rife
with Disparities, Study Says Rights Panel Finds Blacks Penalized,"
The Washington Post reported this: "Florida's conduct of the 2000
presidential election was marked by 'injustice, ineptitude and
inefficiency' that unfairly penalized minority voters, the U.S.
Commission on Civil Rights has concluded in a report that criticizes
top state officials - particularly Governor Jeb bush and Secretary
of State Katherine Harris - for allowing disparate treatment of
voters." The article went on to cite the 167-page final draft
report as stating that overzealous efforts to purge state voter
lists was a factor in the widespread disenfranchisement of largely
non-white voters.
Considering that George Bush
prevailed over Al Gore by as little as 530 votes in Florida, and
that many thousands of voters in predominately democratic precincts
were wrongfully turned away at the polls, one could conclude that
the election was determined due to this disenfranchisement, rather
than the contested vote count.
Still, the hanging chads and
butterfly ballots got the blame in Florida and officials scrambled
to reform voting systems. Corporate venders and lobbyists swarmed
Capitol Hill with promises that high tech computer voting was
the way to reform. Congress passed the "Help America Vote Act"
and allocated nearly $4 billion for new technology.
Corporations who manufacture
the electronic voting systems, and benefit from million dollar
contracts, have vigorously assured the public that their systems
are secure. But academic researchers are not alone in their criticism
of electronic voting. Recently, a military information technology
contractor, SAIC, was commissioned by the State of Maryland to
access the controversial touch screen voting machines and found
them to be at "high risk of compromise." A private researcher
inadvertently came across unprotected voting system files on the
website of Diebold, the leading voting machine manufacturer, and
then posted them on the internet to show how easy electronic voting
is to corrupt (New York Times/John Schwarz/July 24 '03). The researcher,
Bev Harris, author of "Black Box voting," reported that the files
included diagrams of remote communications set-ups, passwords,
encryption keys, source code, user manuals and more.
Although none of the local
newspapers I read reported voter mistrust of electronic voting,
a look at nationwide stories on the subject does indicate that
public confidence in this voting process is eroding. An October
31st Associated Press story by Robert Tanner, "Worries grow over
new voting machines' reliability, security," lists the main concerns
of electronic voting as: lack of confidence because there is no
verifiable receipt of one's vote; inability to conduct a recount
due to no physical record of the vote; and fear of election fraud
- because the computers aren't secure enough, hackers can get
in and manipulate election results.
Concerns about voter fraud
could be more than theoretical. And even though computer technology
is prone to shut down and error, electronic voting machines are
already widely in use, and more are expected to be coming. Already
there have been problems and conflicts of interest that raise
Recently, the chief executive
of Diebold unbelievably claimed that he was "committed to helping
Ohio deliver its electoral votes to the president next year."
(Newsweek/Steven Levy/November 3 '03). Former conservative radio
talk-show host and current Republican U.S. Senator Chuck Hagel
was also on the hot seat when it was revealed that, just prior
to his senatorial campaign, he had ownership in the voting machine
company that counted his winning votes (The Hill/January 29 '03)
and did not disclose it.
Why were three Republican candidates
in Canal County, Texas, declared victors in their respective races
by the exact same margin of 18,181 votes? Why did Diebold post
a California county's election tallies on its website before the
polls closed (Associated Press/September 10 '03)? In Georgia it's
been recently reported that Diebold installed patches on its voting
machines before the state's gubernatorial election that were never
certified by independent testing authorities (
13 '03). In California, the state is launching an investigation
into alleged illegal tampering with electronic voting machines
in a San Francisco Bay area county (Associated Press/November
4 '03).
Since the SAIC findings, the
same companies who assured us their voting systems were secure
are now just as vigorously assuring us that they will fix the
problems they insisted they didn't have. But should private corporate
industries with possible vested interests in election results
have such control over our most fundamental and essential democratic
act? Should their computer programs that tell the voting machines
how to tally votes continue to be allowed to be held as "trade
secrets?" The computer voting industry is like a financial institution
that doesn't keep records. Would we accept such loose standards
from a bank that holds our money?
Representative Rush Holt is
sponsoring legislation (HR 2239, the Voter Confidence and Increased
Accessibility Act of 2003) that would require electronic voting
machines to produce an actual paper record so that voters can
verify their vote and election judges would have a paper trial
to follow. I urge citizens of all political persuasions to contact
their representatives and let them know they support this step
in the right direction. I think we all should inform ourselves
on the electronic voting issue and ponder what the John Hopkins
study concluded: "…we must carefully consider the risks inherent
in electronic voting, as it places our very democracy at risk.
Voting Machine Voodoo was
published by,,
and the Roanoke Times in November 2003.
To read more political commentaries
by Colleen Redman, visit the following links: